Sunday, December 1, 2019



我們上個禮拜考了期末考 全體過關 有兩位需要補考 請不要遲到
12/7號是我們最後一次上課,  我們班上第一堂課會有頒獎典禮
這學期大家都很努力 家長們也很配合

Hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving holiday!
We finished our final exam last week, and everybody pass the exam!
There are two students absent, please don't be late this coming Sat. to take the exam.
12/7 is our last class, the first half class, we will have our own award ceremony, the second half class we will have a gift exchanged Christmas party.

Please prepare one $10 gift and one party snacks this Sat.

I enjoy seeing all of them improving Chinese this semester, and appreciate all of your hard working.

We will keep it up next semester!

Thank you


Sunday, November 17, 2019



這禮拜我們有第十一課的小考, 也盯正了小考練習, 請家長們在家裡給小朋友複習, 另外 第二節課我們也做了期末考的練習考卷, 最後一個考題是念紅雞媽媽課文, 請家長們在家裡勤加練習

另外 11/23我們會有校長提供的免費早餐, 請家長們不用準備小朋友的早餐

第二堂課會做期末考 請大家不要遲到

We finished Lesson 11 quiz and review, please check the correct answer at home again. The second class, we did the final exam practice, it is 80% same as the final exam, the last section is to read in two mins, please practice at home.

11/23 next Sat., we will have free breakfast from Nicole, you don't need to prepare breakfast next Sat.

We will have final exam next Sat., please don't be late.

Thank you!


Saturday, November 9, 2019



恭喜本班全體學生榮獲校長早餐 11/23號校長會提供早餐 請家長不用準備學生早餐

這個禮拜我們做了總複習  期末考範圍L9-11三課 說聽讀寫都會有
這禮拜作業: 念課文:P74-75   一分半鐘結束
小考: L11

Hi parents,

We will have free breakfast on 11/23, thank you for your hard working!
We did review from L9-11, Our final exam is also from L9-11 including speak, listening, read, and write.

Homework: Read text book P74-75 within 90 sec.
Quiz: L11

Thank you!


Tuesday, November 5, 2019



上個禮拜六我們考了第十課, 普遍大家都沒考好,請家長們在家裡做盯正, 下一堂課我也會再跟大家做複習
作業: 作業本P94-95的前半段

We had L10 quiz last Sat., please check the correct answer with your kid. We will review again this Sat. as well.

We finished Lesson 11 and did some practice.
Homework: P94-95(first half)
We only need one more complete homework to get free breakfast, so please help your kid to complete this week's homework.

Thank you


Sunday, October 27, 2019



我們上禮拜六結束了第十課 下禮拜六會有第十課的小考
大家也熱情的參與了萬聖節的討糖活動 很高興看到小朋友們裝扮成各種造型討糖
我們也開始了第十一課的課文 作業:作業本的P91-92

Hi parents,

We had a great Halloween Treat or Trick yesterday. I am glad to see everybody dress up and had fun!

We finished Lesson10 and started Lesson 11.
Homework: Workbook P91-92
Quiz: Lesson 10

Let me know if you have any question!


Thursday, October 24, 2019



上個禮拜六大家很認真的準備了看圖說故事比賽  我這邊有錄製了每個小朋友的影片, 請家長們送小孩來上課的時候跟我索取

恭喜何致均小朋友榮獲今年說故事比賽的第一名  各班得獎者會有團體照
很多同學都有大幅度的進步, 謝謝家長們的用心

作業: 練習本: P88-89

We had storytelling contest last Sat. Everybody did very good job! I have videos for every student, I can send it to you if you want.

Congratulation to our class winner-Evan Ho, there is a group picture on Sat.. And thank you for every parent's hard working. Everybody improved a lot on their speech.

We review Lesson 10.
Homework: P88-89

Thank you


Tuesday, October 1, 2019



上個禮拜我們練習了說故事比賽的演講稿, 請沒有幫小孩寫演講稿的父母們從小孩的書包裡面找到演講稿 請多加一些句子 湊成一分鐘的演講稿,這次的作業就是練習這一分鐘的演講

如果家長有需要任何幫忙 請寫信給我 我會想辦法在下禮拜幫忙


Hi parents,

We practiced story telling last Sat.. Parents who didn't help your child to write down ten sentences, please check backpack, and find the papers, add any lines to make it 1-3 mins speech.

This is our homework. We have story telling contest on 10/19, which means we only have 10/5 to practice.

If you need any help, please let me know.

Thank you


Tuesday, September 24, 2019



上個禮拜我們大家全部都有做功課,謝謝家長的配合, 大家念課文也越來越標準速度也越來越快, 希望繼續保持下去
我們上個禮拜六有發給大家很多張A4紙的圖片 這是我們即將在10/19舉行的說故事比賽的材料, 請小朋友們一個人選出1-2張 然後一個人準備10-15個句子自由發揮小朋友從圖片看到什麼 可以有創意的也可以引用任何成語或是故事等 請家長們協助 這也是我們這個禮拜的功課

接下來兩個禮拜我們會大量的訓練大家的說故事比賽能力 所以請家長們務必先幫小朋友準備好草稿10-15句

Last Sat. everybody did great job on their homework, thank you for your hard working, hope we can complete homework two more weeks to reach the free breakfast goal!

Please check your kid's backpack, you can find there are about 15 pages A4 size pepper, these are for story telling contest(10/19) material.
Homework is to have your child to pick 1-2 pages and make 10-15 sentences.

We will practice these story telling in the next two classes.

Let me know if you have problem to make 10-15 sentences.

Thank you


Tuesday, September 17, 2019



很開心大家度過一個愉快的中秋節活動, 也謝謝Kristy老師代課,學生們都受益良多,  我們這禮拜的作業是一分鐘念完P72-73紅雞媽媽課文 以及練習課本的P79-P80  我們下禮拜會在課堂上把第十課的練習本做完 請家長們帶著練習本

Hi parents,

We had moon festival last Sat. I am glad to see everybody made pineapple cake so well.

Thank you for Mrs. Kristy last Sat. She said everybody did their homework and they had fun with reading textbook.

HW this week: Read P72-P73 in 60 second. workbook P79-80.

We will practice workbook next Sat.

Thank you!


Wednesday, September 11, 2019



我們上個禮拜有小考 有幾個學生進步非常多, 我真的是很開心! 謝謝家長的努力 希望可以繼續加油!

作業: 念課文 PAGE68 請家長們用RAP的方式讓小孩念這篇課文 這是某位家長提供的方式 可以幫助小孩念得更順 也讓小孩覺得很好玩 所以這禮拜我想要試試看這個方式 當然如果家長不喜歡 也可以照傳統方式念
作業2: P70寫完生字 請記得注音拼音都要寫上去

這個禮拜六有中秋節活動 因為我擔任活動組 所以會去會場作布置 我們會有Kristy 這位有經驗的老師來做代課 請家長們跟小孩說一下注意秩序

We had quiz last Sat. some students improved a lot, I am very proud of them! Hope everybody keep going to help your child to study Chinese.

Homework: P70 write vocabulary and please also write Zuiyi and pingyi as well.
P68 read and finish in 60 second. Please use rap to finish this task. One of student's mom share this way to make kid memorize better and it's very fun.
But it's optional.

We will have moon festival this Sat. I will be helping to decorate. Mrs. Kristy will be the sub-teacher this Sat. Please tell your child to follow direction.

Let me know if you have further question,

Thank you


Sunday, August 25, 2019


Hi parents,

昨天我們結束了第九課, 很高興幾乎每個小孩都有寫功課, 但是我們的目標是全體同學都有寫功課連續四個禮拜, 所以請家長們協助小朋友寫功課!

我們複習了第九課課文跟生字 也玩了彈珠遊戲 跟讓小孩學習跟接觸不一樣的樂器, 我們也學了一首新歌: 我是隻小小鳥, 家長們可以上youtube去搜尋這首歌

HW: 請家長們協助小朋友一起閱讀這本書 並讓小孩清楚的念出句子 一句話重複三次

Quiz: 第九課

We finished Lesson 9, I am glad most of  students complete homework. Our goal is everyone complete homework every week.

We reviewed L9 and play marbles' game, sing "I am a little bird" song, and played variety of instruments.

Homework: please help your kid to read this book, and let them repeat the sentence three times.

Quiz: Lesson 9.

Happy Labor Day!


Monday, August 19, 2019


Hi parents,

很高興幾乎大家都寫了功課 也都完成了一分鐘念課文的考試, 這學期我會盯緊一點, 希望大家能更上一層樓
功課: P73-76

Glad to see everybody last Sat. Most of students had completed their homework, if your kid didn't do homework, please finish this week.

I have high goal this semester for students, hope they can speak more Chinese, and learn more words.

Homework: P73-76.

Let me know if you have further question.


Monday, August 12, 2019



很開心這學期繼續擔任大家的中文老師, 也很開心我們班小朋友全部都齊聚一堂, 這一個學期, 我的目標是要針對每個小朋友弱項做加強, 作業也會多了一些, 請家長們配合.

另外也想跟家長們說一下, 學中文並不是你每個禮拜六送來中文學校兩三個小時就可以學會, 在家裡也請家長們要每天持續的與小孩說中文跟認字或是書寫練習. 這點請家長們持續努力

作業:  1. P64頁 60秒內念完 2. P66頁書寫練習
Extra Homework(optional):

Hi parents,

I am so glad to see all of you last Sat.. We had good time to learn Chinese!
This semester, my goal is to improve everyone's weakness. We also will have more homework and extra homework for optional.

I need to remind you one thing important. Learning a language needs lots of efforts, it's impossible just send your kids to Chinese School once a week, and expect kids to speak Chinese perfectly.
We need to work together to let kids speak more Chinese. So, I expect all of you to have Chinese time 15-30 mins everyday. There are lots of good resource to learn Chinese:
1. (story books)
2. youtube Chinese pepper pigs which is I play in our snacks time.

Let me know if you need more helps.

Homework this week:
1. P64  speak and finish in 60 second. 2. P66 writing
Extra Homework(optional):

Hope to see you all this Sat.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


Hi parents,

We had final exam this Sat. Please correct the mistake with your kid.
I am very proud of all of them! They all pass the final exam!

We will have award ceremony next Sat.9:30-9:50. Please arrive earlier.

We are going to have final performance this Sat. We do have dress code.
Boys: Blue jeans, white SHIRT with tie(dark color prefered), please let me know if you don't have tie, I can try to find one from my boys'.
Girls: White dress, if you don't have white dress, pink is also fine.

Please practice at home for the final performance.

See you next Sat.!


Monday, April 15, 2019


Hi parents,

We will have final exam on 4/27, from L4-L8. Final exam will all come from quiz we took before. The only one different is student need to read P62 and P63 within 2 min to get the points. Please practice at home everyday.

In final performance, boys need to wear white shirt, blue jeans, girls need to wear white/pink dress. Please play this song at home everyday to help students memorize lyric.

Thank you!


Monday, April 8, 2019


Hi parents,

We have finished Lesson 8 on Sat., and we did lots of practice of final performance. Some of kids still can't sing the song, please practice the lyric at home with your kid.
Homework: Read Page 62-63 in two mins. Workbook:70-71
Quiz: Lesson 8

Let me know if you have any question!


Sunday, March 31, 2019


Hi parents,

We practice final performance a lot last Sat. But kids need to memorize lyric more. We also had Lesson 6 quiz, please check answer with your kid this week.

Homework: 月亮代表我的心 yue lian dai bia wo de shin lyric, reading the whole song in 2 mins.
Homework: Workbook P63-64
Quiz: Lesson 7

我們這周練習了期末表演的月亮代表我的心 小朋友們歌詞還需要加強練習

作業: 月亮代表我的心歌詞 兩分鐘內念完
作業: 作業本63-64頁
小考: 第七課


Sunday, March 24, 2019


Hi parents,

I am glad everybody had a great spring break!
We reviewed L7 and learned L8 last Sat..
It's close to final performace, please practice at home with your kid
They need to remember the lyric.

Homework: Read Textbook P57 within 1 min., Workbook: P61-62
We will have quiz L6.

Let me know if you have any question.


家長們好, 很開心上禮拜六聽大家分享他們春假做的事情
我們複習了第七課 跟上了一部分的第八課
期末表演將至 請家長們幫忙小孩熟練月亮代表我的心這首歌
作業: textbook P57一分鐘內念完 作業本: P61-P62
我們這禮拜六會有第六課的小考 請大家認真準備


Thursday, March 14, 2019


Hi parents,

We finished Lesson 7 last Sat., we also practice writing vocabulary.
Homework: Workbook P58-60.

Please bring a pair of sunglasses to school next Sat. for final performance practice. I will keep everybody's until the final performance finished.

No school this Sat. and hope you have a good spring break!


Sunday, March 3, 2019


Hi parents,

We had a quiz on Sat. please check score, and correct the answer for your kid.
We learned the first half of L7, Homework: Workbook: P55-57 Textbook: P55

Our class will perform 月亮代表我的心, please help your child to practice lyric at home,

We need a pair of sunglasses in the final performance, please hang in next Sat.
We will have rehearsal in April.

Have a great weekend!


Sunday, February 24, 2019


Hi parents,

We had our first quiz this semester, it was not easy for everybody. Don't feel bad about the score, but I hope students can get use to how to take test.

Homework: Workbook P49-54
And we have Lesson 5 quiz this Sat., I will add pinyin as well this time.

Final performance song lyric has hanged out to everybody, please practice at home.

Baby Shark:

Floss dance:

Thank you


Monday, February 18, 2019

Hi parents,

We choose 月亮代表我的心 to be our final performance, please play this song to your child at home.
And baby shark
In the end, kids will do floss dance.

Please practice at home everyday.

We will have L4 quiz this coming Sat.
We have learned the first half of Lesson 6.
Homework: Workbook: P43-48

See you on Sat.!


Monday, February 11, 2019


Dear parents,

Thank you so much for coming to Chinese New Year Festival! I hope you and your family had a good time!

We will have final performance in the end of semester. This year we will sing several songs. And I need you and your kid to choose one main song. Please check link below:

Plus we will have one more short song in between, you can practice at home, link below:


Watch pepper pig 15 mins at home Monday-Friday
This is Chinese New Year version.

We will have final performance practice this coming Sat.
Please choose one main song and tell me which one you and your kid like on Sat.

Thank you!


Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Hi parents,

We have learned the first half of Lesson 5. And we practice workbook.
Everybody finished their homework, thank you for your hard working! We still have 3 weeks to go to get free breakfast!

Homework:P39-42, Plus read this book
We will discuss this coming Sat.


我們上禮拜交了第五課前半段 大家這禮拜都有交作業 非常謝謝家長們的用心 也請繼續保持下去 我們還差三個禮拜就可以吃免費的早餐

作業:P39-42 還有上面的link需要閱讀有聲書籍 下禮拜會一起做討論



Monday, January 21, 2019


Hi parents,

We finished Lesson4 last Sat. And we did part of our workbook.
I hope you all can practice 15 mins everyday with kids.
Homework: Workbook:p34-36, plus there is one page vocabulary practice haning out last Sat. Please practice at home as well.


我們上禮拜六結束了第四課 也做了一些練習
我希望家長們可以一天花十五分鐘陪小孩練習中文 影片或是練習寫字都好
作業: 練習本34-36頁 一張練習寫字的也請練習




Tuesday, January 15, 2019

1/12/19 H-1


很開心小朋友們都回來上課了, 我們度過了開心的一個禮拜天
我們複習了注音跟字彙 也上了第四課的前半部分
這學期我會加強小朋友們的識字能力  也要請家長們努力配合 讓小朋友在這個學期迎頭趕上 如果注音還沒有全部熟練 請家長們花點時間複習

功課: P25-29

Hi parents,

Welcome back! We had a great time first week!
We practice Zu-Yin and vocabulary 1-50, and we learned the first half of Lessen 4. Kiddos did great job!

This semester, we will practice more about vocabulary. Please practice 10-15 mins everyday at home.

Homework: P25-29.

Have a good day
