Tuesday, September 24, 2019



上個禮拜我們大家全部都有做功課,謝謝家長的配合, 大家念課文也越來越標準速度也越來越快, 希望繼續保持下去
我們上個禮拜六有發給大家很多張A4紙的圖片 這是我們即將在10/19舉行的說故事比賽的材料, 請小朋友們一個人選出1-2張 然後一個人準備10-15個句子自由發揮小朋友從圖片看到什麼 可以有創意的也可以引用任何成語或是故事等 請家長們協助 這也是我們這個禮拜的功課

接下來兩個禮拜我們會大量的訓練大家的說故事比賽能力 所以請家長們務必先幫小朋友準備好草稿10-15句

Last Sat. everybody did great job on their homework, thank you for your hard working, hope we can complete homework two more weeks to reach the free breakfast goal!

Please check your kid's backpack, you can find there are about 15 pages A4 size pepper, these are for story telling contest(10/19) material.
Homework is to have your child to pick 1-2 pages and make 10-15 sentences.

We will practice these story telling in the next two classes.

Let me know if you have problem to make 10-15 sentences.

Thank you


Tuesday, September 17, 2019



很開心大家度過一個愉快的中秋節活動, 也謝謝Kristy老師代課,學生們都受益良多,  我們這禮拜的作業是一分鐘念完P72-73紅雞媽媽課文 以及練習課本的P79-P80  我們下禮拜會在課堂上把第十課的練習本做完 請家長們帶著練習本

Hi parents,

We had moon festival last Sat. I am glad to see everybody made pineapple cake so well.

Thank you for Mrs. Kristy last Sat. She said everybody did their homework and they had fun with reading textbook.

HW this week: Read P72-P73 in 60 second. workbook P79-80.

We will practice workbook next Sat.

Thank you!


Wednesday, September 11, 2019



我們上個禮拜有小考 有幾個學生進步非常多, 我真的是很開心! 謝謝家長的努力 希望可以繼續加油!

作業: 念課文 PAGE68 請家長們用RAP的方式讓小孩念這篇課文 這是某位家長提供的方式 可以幫助小孩念得更順 也讓小孩覺得很好玩 所以這禮拜我想要試試看這個方式 當然如果家長不喜歡 也可以照傳統方式念
作業2: P70寫完生字 請記得注音拼音都要寫上去

這個禮拜六有中秋節活動 因為我擔任活動組 所以會去會場作布置 我們會有Kristy 這位有經驗的老師來做代課 請家長們跟小孩說一下注意秩序

We had quiz last Sat. some students improved a lot, I am very proud of them! Hope everybody keep going to help your child to study Chinese.

Homework: P70 write vocabulary and please also write Zuiyi and pingyi as well.
P68 read and finish in 60 second. Please use rap to finish this task. One of student's mom share this way to make kid memorize better and it's very fun.
But it's optional.

We will have moon festival this Sat. I will be helping to decorate. Mrs. Kristy will be the sub-teacher this Sat. Please tell your child to follow direction.

Let me know if you have further question,

Thank you
