Wednesday, February 28, 2018



很快的一個禮拜又過去了, 這禮拜我們學習了第十課的前半段,也大量練習了注音拼法語發音, 小朋友們都表現得很好, 集點卡分數也越來越高!
上禮拜大家都有交作業!給家長們掌聲鼓勵! 期望這禮拜大家可以都交作業 這樣我們就可以有校長早餐當獎勵!

作業:P79 80 81

另外 我會帶一些書本去學校, 每個小朋友每個禮拜可以帶一本書回家,請家長們協助閱讀, 如果家長們有困難, 請跟我說, 我再來想辦法

Hi parents,

This week, we learned Lesson 10, the first half, and practice Zui-Yin.
Everybody did very good job! And most of them collect more point on their point cards.

We only have one more homework done ahead to get free breakfast! Hope everybody did homework this week!

HW: P79 80 81.

Also, I will bring books to school this week. Kids can borrow one book each week to home, please read with your kids! If parents have problem to read Zui-Yin, Let me know.

Have a great day!

Connie Liu

Wednesday, February 21, 2018



上禮拜小考, 大家普遍都考得很好, 希望繼續保持下去.
上禮拜我們結束了第九課 作業是:P76 77
請家長們陪伴小孩一起寫作業 我們還差兩個禮拜可以吃校長早餐!
集點卡大家都很踴躍 因為紙張比較小 所以下課我會統一收回
我們這禮拜讀了"爸爸送我的一捧星光" 是心靈成長繪本 師友文化發行的
小朋友聽得很高興 我們目標是每個禮拜讀一本書 裡面也有注音
如果家長們有興趣 我這邊有二三十本台灣帶回來的繪本  歡迎借閱

Dear parents,

We had L8 quiz last Sat., most of students got good grade! Hope to keep it on!
We finished L9 last week, Homework: P76-77. Please help your kids to do that.
Everybody loves the point card game! It helped me to encourage kids to answer questions. I collected the cards in case they lose it. Once they got 20 points, I will return it.

We read one book every week, this week, we read"A star from dad". Kids love this book very much. I do have around 20-30 books with Zu-Yin beside from Taiwan. You are welcome to borrow!

Have a good day!

Connie Liu

Monday, February 12, 2018



很開心在中文學校過年慶祝活動看到大家熱情參與, 也祝大家新年快樂!

我們已經連續兩周交齊作業, 期盼這禮拜會是第三周大家交齊作業
也歡迎Ella回美! 期待禮拜六跟大家見面!

上禮拜我們教了第九課前半段 作業:P73-75 請家長們陪伴小孩練習
另外校長欠缺Band的照片,如果家長們有拍照片 也請分享給我  謝謝

另外我們這周有第八課小考 請家長們陪小孩複習第八課 謝謝!

這禮拜開始我們會有集點卡的小遊戲 每滿二十點有小禮物
一點: 9:35分之前到達教室, 上課秩序良好, 踴躍舉手發問以及回答,
兩點: 準時寫作業, 小考有準備(由老師判定)

Dear parents,

I am very happy to see all of you last Sat.. Thank you for joining the Chinese New Year Celebration! Happy Chinese New Year to all of you!

We welcome Ella back to the States, and she will come back to class this coming Sat.!

Homework this week: P73-75, please help your kids to finish it! We have reach two weeks in a row. Hope to get Irene's breakfast soon!

We will have quiz as well: L8, please also spend sometime to practice with them!

 From this Sat, we are going to have "Point Card" rule, every 20 point gets a reward.

1 point: Arrive class before 9:35, Ask questions, Answer question, Keep the order.
2 point: Do homework, Prepare Quiz(Judge by teacher)

Thank you and see you on Sat.
